We’re officially Carbonzero!
The natural environment is the foundation for the beautiful wines we produce, and we’re committed to treating it with care and respect. This year, we’ve worked with leading New Zealand carbon certification body Toitū Envirocare to quantify all greenhouse gas emissions at The Landing.
Now we’re proud to say The Landing's operations have been certified carbonzero. But we’re not stopping there. As part of the Toitū carbonzero programme, we’ve committed to reduce our gross greenhouse gas emissions by moving to renewable energy, transitioning to electric vehicles and reducing waste to landfill over coming years.
The Landing's vineyard and winery joins a small handful of other New Zealand winegrowers and wineries currently certified as carbonzero organisations, while The Landing Residences will be the first luxury lodge in New Zealand to be certified carbonzero by Toitū Envirocare.
Toitū’s carbonzero certification means a business has measured all activities that produce greenhouse gases each year (such as using electricity, using fossil fuels, or producing waste) to find the business’s total gross annual greenhouse emissions. These emissions can be offset by activities that reduce carbon emissions (such as planting trees) or through purchasing carbon credits to achieve net zero carbon emissions.
At The Landing, we achieved carbonzero status not by purchasing carbon credits, but because the native bushland on The Landing property – which contains over 1.2 million native trees planted by our team over the past 20 years – absorbs more carbon every year than all businesses operating at The Landing produce.
As well as being a carbon sink, the regenerated bushland is home to one of the most abundant populations of Northland brown kiwi in the country, along with many other native birds. The bushland on the property will continue to be regenerated by planting thousands of native saplings every year, increasing its capacity as a carbon sink over time.
“At The Landing, we are honoured to be kaitiaki of the unique natural landscape, native wildlife and cultural heritage that lie within this property,” says Peter Jones, director at The Landing. “All of these taonga have potential to be negatively affected by climate change, so we feel a sense of duty to protect them.”
“Achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 is a team effort involving everyone in New Zealand. We are committed to working with Toitū Envirocare to ensure we’re doing our part.”